Abstraction, funky flowers and cake mix cookies

Psychological abstraction, good or bad? One of my new favorite words—or anti-words—is abstraction. The other day I was watching a TedTalk on YouTube. Now, some TedTalks are really awesome and informative, and others... not so much. While watching one, this term abstraction fell into my head from out of the clear blue sky.

Padded walls and potato salad

Does homemade potato salad ever get the praise it deserves? Never! 😋 Why can’t a person work on their mental health and eat homemade potato salad at the same time? Who says it can't be done? That’s what I’d like to know.

No amount of healthy food can quell old haunting memories

Life is so fragile. Here in an instant and gone in an instant. Appreciating it should be an easy enough thing. Life can be filled with a lot of pain, though, and confusion. How to seek out what makes us happy and how to hold onto it? Maybe it comes easier for some than others. It hasn't always come easy for me.

Moody Monday: What happens when memory suppression ends?

The suppression or repression of memory is a source of skepticism for some people, although it seems most psychologists, from what I've read, acknowledge that it can and does indeed happen. I admit I've long been skeptical myself though. This all changed, however, three weeks ago when I awoke at 1:33am with the intense feeling that my own mind was slapping me upside my head.

Happy Sunday: The saga of the quick breads

Been dabbling in baking quick bread lately. Quick breads tend to be easy, inexpensive, fun to make, and provide days worth of homemade breakfast and snack items. A couple of weeks ago I made banana pineapple bread...